Top 6: April 24th 2024
Casarão Brasil: I ExistTop 6: April 24th 2024
To ensure that artificial intelligence recognizes and respects the gender with which transgender individuals identify, Publicis Brazil agency, in collaboration with the NGO Casarão, are launching the "I Exist" project, an API designed to train the algorithms of facial recognition systems. The current landscape is marked by biases and distortions in these tools. Whether due to the lack of gender diversity in the data feeding AI recognition systems or the absence of transgender individuals in the development of these technologies, error rates are higher in detecting these individuals. This can limit access to applications, places, and might even demand security checks in public spaces, resulting in embarrassing procedures at airports, police stations and other everyday locations. "The 'I Exist' API is necessary so that transgender individuals do not have to undergo these situations and so that they can be seen, included, and respected in a future where technology and AI will increasingly be part of our lives. We cannot deny transgender individuals access to tomorrow," says Rogério de Oliveira, president of the NGO Casarão.
Design Director: Peu Coelho |
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