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Seen and noted![]() Guest comments for featured spot "Melting Moms"
January 31, 2007 12:37 (Edited: February 17, 2023 05:19)
![]() Some background from Pete Harver, Arnold Boston, one of the creatives on "Melting Moms": usually when you see an ice sculpture, youre not allowed to touch it. either its the centerpiece at a buffet line or its being protected with a chainsaw by the artist. maybe the best part of shooting this spot was unloading these 30 ice moms into central park and letting everyone play with them. people would stare, or ask us questions, others would call friends to get down there and pose for pictures. professional photographers came out of nowhere, then posted their shots the next day on flickr. one guy even set up shop and tried to start collecting money from people who wanted to see the moms. anyway, people stuck around to watch them melt. which took about 6 hours. most of the time the necks of the moms were the first parts to melt away, causing the heads to topple off and eliciting great reaction shots from the crowd. next went the bellies, then the legs, then the arms eventually they were just chunks of ice with baby dolls left behind. which is when people started losing interest and leaving, interestingly enough. Go to the main page or Click here to view this spot Guest comments for featured spot "Runner"
January 31, 2007 12:32 (Edited: February 17, 2023 05:19)
![]() A few words from the director, Ronnie West: IT'S ALL DOWN TO A FASHIONABLE PASTIME CALLED "PARKOUR" BEING USED FOR A GOOD REASON. THE REASON WAS TO SUGGEST MOBILITY. THE STARS OF THE SHOW ARE THE FIRST TIME ACTOR AND PARKOUR CHAMP CALLED BAM AND OF COURSE THE CREATIVE TEAM FROM MODEM MEDIA IAN OWEN AND JAMES THORLEY. SPECIAL THANKS GOES TO KIKI KENDRICK FOR HER PORTRAYAL OF JO GODMAN THE FORMER MD OF RSA FILMS. THE MUSIC WAS PERFORMED BY BERNARD CRIBBINS AND PRODUCED BY GEORGE MARTIN. ME AND MY PRODUCER ROB WILLS JUST DID IT FOR THE MONEY. and from the production company: Rushes Colourist Simone Grattarola comments, The 'mood' reference for the commercial was 'confessions of a window cleaner'. Our interpretation was retro-subjective rather than a carbon copy. To achieve our look we isolated lo-lights and hi-lights so we could add colour to them independently. We gave the office space a beige wash then subtly shifted the hues of the primaries and brought them back through. Carl Grinter at Rushes writes Ronnie West and the production team at RSA Films did a fantastic job in the direction and realisation of the Hewlett Packard Runner" commercial. The interpretation of the brief and script from James Thorley and Ian Owen at Modem Media and the collaboration and support from the agency and all the crew, cast and ultimately post production show that virals can create stunning and innovative work that can get products noticed on-line. We had the great job of enhancing what was already a great commercial by adding the retro desaturated look and cleaning up sequences and creating transitions that were by and large achieved in camera Go to the main page or Click here to view this spot Guest comments for featured spot "Chang-Chak"
January 31, 2007 12:25 (Edited: February 17, 2023 05:19)
![]() A few words from the creatives: We often heard about elephants escaping into the woods and sneaking into sugarcane fields to eat the sugarcane grown by farmers. The same thing often happens in wangkanais sugarcane fields. But we see the good side of this, at least it proves that every sugarcane tree growing in Wankanais field is free from chemicals, therefore, the sugar made from Wanganais sugar cane field is approved by nature. Go to the main page or click here to view this spot Guest comments for featured VW spot "Cuckoo Clock"
January 31, 2007 12:16 (Edited: February 17, 2023 05:19)
![]() Some background from Vadim Jean, Director: I had to read the scripts for 'Cuckoo Clock' twice when I received them. Surely nobody would allow an ad with the word 'motherfucker' in it?! In the UK, the advertising 'police' would send me to prison for this. But VW and DDB seemed to have got it through. These scripts were very simple and very funny. There were technical challenges with the physical effects but above all the agency and I were as one that we wanted the film to be very simple. For me this meant having as few shots as possible, particularly to allow the performances to 'breathe'. The image of the old couple with the slightly too large cuckoo clock on the wall between them was intriguingly amusing anyway... even before anything even happened. I wanted to hold the opening wide shot as long as possible so that when the 'cuckoo' comes out (but turns out to be the rapper) it's then even more surprising and hopefully funnier. Making the tiny rapper and its cuckoo clock mechanism work was tricky. He had to be so small to be able to come out of the normal cuckoo doors that modelling the detail was very hard. Getting the timing of the end line caption right was critical. Not tricksy editing but tricky. For me, the best ads are brilliantly simple. I hope this is a simple execution of a brilliant script. ... and from Marc Wientzek and Sebastian Kainz, Creatives: What happens when you choose inferior replacement parts to save a few bucks? Well, your most prized possesion might become your own personal hell. At this point we should probably take the opportunity to apologize to that poor old lady, for having to listen to the m-word about a thousand times that day. Her endurance and patience certainly paid off, though, since we ended up with a spot that we love to watch over and over. Our thanks also to Volkswagen Service, for actually approving and supporting a spot with crude language, to Vadim, for pulling off that tough job, to our DDB bosses for not kicking us out of the meeting when we presented the spot and lastly to the British weather bureau for predicting rain and haze and still giving us a beautifully sunny shooting day. Go to the main page or click here to view this spot Guest comments for featured spot "Lost Love"
January 31, 2007 12:09 (Edited: February 17, 2023 05:19)
![]() A few words from Russell Smyth, CD, Campaign Palace, Sydney. We cheated a sunrise to look like sunset, we cheated a main Sydney beach to look sad and deserted, and we cheated a fake window on the sand to look like the sort of beachside balcony you always stand on when you are sad and heartbroken. And we ate far too much fruit. Click here to view this spot GUEST JUDGE / bestad of the week
January 31, 2007 12:04 (Edited: February 17, 2023 05:19)
![]() ![]() Ben Kay (left) & Daryl Corps, CDs Lunar BBDO London, will be this week's guest judges. Ben & Daryl will be choosing the "bestad of the week" from last week's featured TV & print /outdoor. (& they've done this even though we sent the wrong links first time around - thanks!) BEST AD OF THE WEEK - TV: ![]() Birdman The Coke spot is the winner here. Although it has a few things against it (the blacking up did feel a bit Al Jolson and it starts a bit so-so) the utter fantastic insanity of where it ends up and the charming pair of crazy leg people really wins you over by the end. Great for a big brand like this. Some of the others were really good too. The hand shadows was lovely to watch and would really repay repeated viewings. The Creative director of Leo Burnett Sydney was spot-on about the level of execution in the Johnny Walker ad (although what its got to do with whisky we have no idea). J2O is beautifully shot and the Interflora ad is enjoyably strange. And since one of us is currently reading Robinson Crusoe we also enjoyed the other ad for some brand of TV, although which TV we cant remember, and we only watched it a couple of minutes ago. Click here to view this spot BEST AD OF THE WEEK - PRINT/ OUTDOOR ![]() Wed go for a dead heat between Fords elegant simplicity from a client that cant usually tell a good ad from a hole in the ground, and Nova Schin Beer because even though were not 100% sure what its all about, you just cant help spending time looking at whats going on its as involving as a press ad should be. Click here to view the Ford work ![]() & Click here to view the Nova Schin work Rocky Returns for his biggest final challenge.![]() New work from Leagas Delaney, UK. Rocky Returns for his biggest final challenge ... as does Kevin Wells (IT dept). Conceived, shot and edited in 3 days. Funny stuff. Click here to view this spot New Toyota Yaris work from Clemmow Hornby Inge, UK.![]() A girl and her Yaris. Nice one. Description ------------------------------------ In Plane a girlfriend decides that crashing her boyfriends valuable remote control plane is a suitable reprisal for him earlier kicking her Yaris car door shut. A new endline Yaris. Treat it with respect signs off the work. Creative Commentary ------------------------------------ The new campaign focuses on the strong emotional connection that Yaris owners have with their beautiful car; showing them acting out amusing and sometimes painful payback on friends or partners for crimes committed against their Yaris. Link ------------------------------------ Click here to view this spot ![]() Al & the monkey in some new PG Tips Tea adverts: Click here to view "Spoon Throwing" ![]() Click here to view "Flat Pack" ![]() Some Channel 4 presenters coming unstuck with the not-so-intellectual questions. Click here to view this spot Here's another of the Smart Car spots from Contrapunto, SpainWe're featuring "UFO" on the main page, but here's another in the series .... "Big Foot". Click here to view this spot ![]() Nicely animated Tylenol 15 sec spots from Maclaren McCann, Canada. 5 in the series ... and no duds. animation from Againstallodds out of Sweden (http://www.againstallodds.se) Click here to view Snake. ![]() Click here to view Dragon New McDonald's work from Cossette Canada![]() It's been quiet in Canada this week. But here's one from Cossette: Description ------------------------------------ Sometimes smaller is better. Click here to view this spot New PS2 work from TBWA/Chiat/Day - Los AngelesFrom Tonic Communications - United Arab Emirates![]() Description ------------------------------------ For those not familiar with this Islamic pillar, Ramadan is a month of fasting practiced by all observant Muslims. Eating, drinking, smoking are not allowed between dawn (fajr), and sunset (maghrib). Creative Commentary ------------------------------------ At a sea-side terrace, a young man holds a chicken drumstick in front of his wide-opened mouth. He waits, and waits, staring in space. Cut to reveal he is staring at the sun setting. Cut to Ramadan Kareem (Happy Ramadan) Cut to Nando's title Click here to view this spot ![]() Strong work for a good cause. Description ------------------------------------ In this 30-second viral we see a selection of men simply shot against a white background whilst a womans voice explains how they are lost without their partners. Starting with a humorous undertone, the film quickly reveals the devastating truth that Ovarian Cancer kills 12 women every day, leaving thousands of men each year to deal with family life on their own. Creative Commentary ------------------------------------ Drama director Mark Brozel, who is currently shooting a feature film in Canada, took time out of his busy schedule to write and direct the film, due to air across national TV and cinema from March. I wanted to create the polar opposite of a standard cancer ad and lure the viewer down a false path for a moment to achieve a more powerful effect at the end. Of course Ovarian Cancer destroys the lives of many women, but its easy to forget how their families are left bearing a huge burden. Part of the brief was to convey that powerfully, he explains. Brozel, who is exclusively represented by New Moon for commercial work, has directed a variety of feature-length dramas and commercials, including Holy Cross, a film about the conflict in Northern Ireland, The Shakespeare Retold Series: MacBeth, which is currently airing in the US and Asia, as well as controversial commercials for Christian Aid and Drink Driving. Link ------------------------------------ Click here to view this spot ![]() Description ------------------------------------ The latest TV spot for Sony MP3 Walkman. Creative Commentary ------------------------------------ For some, sound is sacred. In this latest integrated campaign for Sony from Y&R Asia, we witness the plight of a group of "Soundaholics" - people who are addicted to sound. They find the ideal cure for their condition in the superior sound quality of Sony Walkman. The campaign broke with 5 and 10 second clips that appeared on the internet, mobile phones and television, and was designed to drive people to a specially created website. This was then followed by longer length clips uploaded to YouTube, culminating in several spots run on regional and local television supported by print and in-store activities. Link ------------------------------------ Click here to view this spot Pacifico Beer's first ever TV campaign through Creature![]() Description ------------------------------------ One spot captures some of the trademark locales and experiences of a trip to Baja. From surfing to sprinting chickens, it gives the viewer a sense of a memorable trip that was a bit off the beaten path before ending with an authentic hand-painted title card that reads, Because it hurts to go home. Creative Commentary ------------------------------------ Pacificos first ever TV campaign takes inspiration from the beer brands adventurous image. The new spots, which are set to air nationally beginning Sunday, February 4th, bring to life the rustic quality of the current Mexico via Pacifico print and outdoor campaign. To achieve that, the spots were all shot on old Super-8 cameras using local surfers, expats, chickens and pescadores who doubled as talent for the print work that was shot at the time. In between takes, the talent would surf and catch fish, sharing their bounty with crew at dinnertime. Pacificos prestige comes from the memories of traveling through Mexico and its strong connection to that experience, said Kevin Kramnic, vice president, promotional marketing for Crown Imports. The entire crew actually experienced this lifestyle while shooting this creative and wanted to capture it in the TV campaign. Filming on Super-8 was a critical element to these spots, adding gritty nostalgia evocative of a home moviean effect and feeling that was easy to achieve as the spots were directed by shot by creative director and co-founder Jim Haven, and art director Lara Papadakis, of Creature, Pacificos Agency of Record. We didnt know exactly what we were going to get out of this, but we knew it would feel simple and handmade which is a bit like Baja, said Haven. I figured if my dad could do it in the 70s wed have a good chance at making spots with a similar feel like you were a witness to a trip from that era. Click here to view this spot ![]() Description ------------------------------------ Lotto wants to warn the Dutch viewer against the 'inconveniences' of becoming a millionaire. In this spot we're following two men, who are about to play a game of golf. They're clearly not alone on the course.... Link ------------------------------------ Click here to view this spot More AIDS work. This time from Lowe Mexico.![]() Lowe Mexico taking a different approach to the AIDS message. "Aids is turning 25 years old. But you don't want to talk about Aids. So let's talk about 25 years of... MTV." Annual worldwide campaign, for the 25 th year of Aids. Click here to view this spot PRINT FEST![]() A Knorr cube forms boiling water into fish. Link ------------------------------------ Click here to view this ad PRINT FESTPRINT FESTPRINT FEST![]() The new campaing shows a new Sundwon positioning: have fun under the sun, go to life, enjoy it, but don't forget to use proper protection. Link ------------------------------------ Click here to view this ad PRINT FEST![]() P, or Pure Methamphetamine, is a big problem in NZ. Information about the drug is hard to find. The website www.fightagainstp.com was set up as a result. This ad might get you to go there. Link ------------------------------------ Click here to view this ad PRINT FEST![]() Life today moves at such a pace, there never seems to be enough time. Time to do the things that matter the most, time to enjoy yourself. Sometimes its impossible to keep up. You feel as though youre on a bit of a treadmill. You get up in the morning You get yourself, your partner and your kids ready You go to work You do your job You get home You eat You sleep You get up And the very next day you do the whole thing all over again. It seems as though were operating at a frenetic, and at times mechanical pace. Its almost like youre a machine thats been wound up so tight it feels as if youre about to burst. Travelling to an area like the Murray River provides you with the antithesis of this feeling. The speed and the flow of the river seems to set the pace for the entire region. As soon as you arrive you feel as though the river gives you the permission to just slow down. You feel like you can stop rushing around, hop off your treadmill, take a deep breath and travel at your own pace. Link ------------------------------------ Click here to view this ad PRINT FEST![]() The city seen through mountain bikers eyes. Link ------------------------------------ Click here to view this ad TOOT N SCOOT![]() The communication puts a new spin on an old human truth. We all know how people typically drink other people pretty. A normal looking girl becomes a hottie after a few beers, and an otherwise unremarkable guy becomes a catch after a few daiquiris. In these print ads we used a make up artist to turn normal looking people into decidedly unattractive people. We dressed them in shirts carrying lines like When I start looking like a supermodel to you, its time to call Toot-n-Scoot Scooter Taxi Service. 082 239 4668 Or When I start looking yummy to you, its time to call Toot-n-Scoot. Scooter Taxi Service. 082 239 4668 To give the campaign more impact, we actually sent the "uglies" into nightclubs and gave them Toot-nScoot business cards to had out. It was also supported by pavement art that plays on the old walk the line sobriety test. Using a stencil, the message is sprayed on pavements outside popular bars and nightclubs. Instead of a neat, straight line, readers are exposed to a seriously jagged line a message at the end of the line reads If you can walk this line, call this number. 082 239 4668. Toot-n-Scoot Scooter Taxi Service. Toot-n-Scoot also places cigarettes that have been lit from the wrong end in ashtrays in pubs and clubs. They cigarettes have a sticker on them that reads When you start doing this, call us. The campaign was devised and executed by TEQUILA Johannesburg and started rolling out in November in Gauteng and is expected to go national in the New Year. Click here to view this ad PRINT FEST![]() Versailles ... where you're treated like royalty Link ------------------------------------ Click here to view this ad PRINT FEST![]() Olimpiadele Comunicarii is the largest communication contest in Romania for students; here they can show to real professionals from PR and Advertising that they are good enough to be hired in their agencies. The idea was to show in a sarcastic way the fabulous/glamorous life of those who participated at Olimpiadele Comunicarii and now work in advertising and PR. Headline: 1. Ever since Ive been in advertising, my life changed completely Dan Popov - Account Planner at Gavrila&Asociatii. 2. Ever since Ive been in PR, my life changed completely Alexandra Lungeanu - PR Executive at Group Body copy. For a fabulous career register to Olimpiadele Comunicarii for the PR or Advertising competition. Link ------------------------------------ Click here to view this ad PRINT FESTPRINT FEST![]() magazine ad for Clairol Individual colour range Link ------------------------------------ Click here to view this ad PRINT FESTFAT KILLSPRINT FEST![]() The times for viewing the TellyBingo had changed from the evening to lunchtime and a series ads were needed to highlight this. Link ------------------------------------ Click here to view this ad PRINT FEST![]() Orbit Professional White gives you shining white teeth. Link ------------------------------------ Click here to view this ad PRINT FESTPRINT FEST![]() This campaign encourages people to take some time out with a book on the bus. The ads appear at bus shelters and also Council libraries. Link ------------------------------------ Click here to view this ad PRINT FEST![]() This is the legal visual from the back of the product but put in inverse, to show the power of the product taste. 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