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McDonald's Thailand: Juicy Korean style

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McDonald's Thailand launched a new product to contest the fries chicken market segment, which competitor old and new gain momentum of the market, primarily, Bangkok metropolitan. To tackle that problem, McDonald's pitched themself with oriental infused product, mostly Korean peninsula origin flavour, and one of them was McSpicy Korean Wings. The brief was to promote the product and gain awareness to lead toward offline conversion from online media.

Phasing with three periods;
Phase I — Build hype of the new product launch and gain audience attention.
Phase II — Promote product in a creative storytelling asset.
Phase III — Remarketing before the end of the campaign to boost conversion on the last straw.

Pre Launch
We have produced creative content to build awareness online across all digital marketing platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, Youtube and Twitter.

Social Video
The showcase piece of the product with the handcrafted freshly cook to order at the store where you can see it made from the order counter. On top of that, the authentic secret Korean sauce recipe, introduced at only McDonald's, was unique, incomparably, and rich in flavour after a bite.

Falvourful Juicy Korean style
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To nurture the product's awareness, we allocated content to focus on three main unique selling points to differentiate the product from others in the market.

1) Authentic Korean flavour
Match the product with Korean cuisine.

2) Secret Korean Sauce
To highlight the freshly cooked and handcrafted aspect of the product.

3) A bite of Korean flavour
Promote the authentic Korean taste after a bite with spice and juiciness.

To educate the audience about the product's concept, unique selling point, and encourage the audience to try the product — try it once, cannot forget it.

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