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Naïf: Refilled, Rebranded & Reused - Case Film

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Did you know that 9 out of 10 sunscreen products contain microplastics? That's the reason why Fitzroy offered beachgoers at Castricum Beach a more sustainable alternative. Last week the agency - in partnership with Naïf - gave people the opportunity to refill their empty sunscreen bottle (of any brand) with Naïf sunscreen: free of any microplastics and with a mineral filter. Better for the skin and without harmful chemicals for the ocean. But also better for the planet: because old plastic packages were given a second life. Refilled, rebranded and reused. Last week, at the stall at Club Zand (Castricum Beach), people were able to hand in their empty sunscreen bottles, to be refilled with Naïf sunscreen, free of charge. The bottle was then 'rebranded' with a Naïf label, made of biodegradable seaweed paper. This way, old plastic bottles were given a second life and beachgoers could try out a sustainable alternative.

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