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Choice Hotels: Where Travels Come True

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Choice Hotels, a legacy leader in upper midscale and midscale and one of the largest lodging franchises in the world, is announcing the launch of its newest campaign from creative AOR McKinney, 'Where Travels Come True'. In the new campaign, The Fairy Hotel Mother is on the side of the traveller, helping them make travel choices. She makes it easy and helps them avoid all the stress and paralysis that come with booking a hotel room these days. Even though she’s a fantastical being with magic powers, there are fun moments of “of course this is normal” because she knows that booking with Choice is the solution to all their travel problems. She’s funny, friendly, and totally herself. No need to explain how or why she is who she is. You see her, you meet her, and you know all you need to know. Zooey Deschanel was a clear choice for the role. Her own confidence comes from knowing who she is, and not feeling the need to be anyone else. That’s what charms her fans and underscores her genuine nature. She’s an example to her fans, showing the power to feel good about who they are and how they feel with a little self-care and self-confidence… (That’s pretty magical all on its own. Imagine what she could do with a wand.)
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Chief Marketing Officer Noha Abdalla

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