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Red Hat: Behold the power

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To demonstrate Red Hat’s belief in “The Mastery of the Many,” i.e., open source collaboration, sixty-three volunteers, from Red Hat plus a few friends, sat on a tiered 14’ x 50’ billboard, 17 feet off the ground in a 3 x 21 grid, and flipped placards to To demonstrate Red Hat’s belief in “The Mastery of the Many,” i.e., open source collaboration, sixty-three volunteers, from Red Hat plus a few friends, sat on a tiered 14’ x 50’ billboard, 17 feet off the ground in a 3 x 21 grid, and flipped placards to create changing headlines. One signer live-Tweeted from behind his placard, in response to audience queries (#PeoplePowered). He was visible, briefly, as he dropped his placard to type. At which point the billboard read: “63 people are doing this together! Okay, 62, but still.”
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Event production: Billups

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