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Kept by Krungsri: Kept

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Kept, the new normal of saving application - with Kept you could live the same lifestyles without any change while at the same time enable you to save more money than ever. People have the desire to save money but of course there are many obstacles and even temptation they need to face along the way; making saving money the nearly impossible task to achieve otherwise they would have to sacrifice the joy of living. Leo Burnett Thailand aims to illustrate the saving solution by using a simple visual like 'Coins' floating after people who are living their same normal lives. The coins then disappear into those people bodies to imply that they could simply save money while still enjoying their lifestyles.

‘Small change for BIG FUTURE’ is the key takeout for this piece of communication. A simply switch to Kept will enable you to enjoy your same lifestyle while letting smart features from Kept help you save more money.
Credits Other credits

Account Management Director: Rathawan Sukanake

Computer Graphic: Chocolate Studio Co., Ltd.

Media Agency: IPG Mediabrands

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