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McDonald's Thailand: #McSharingBoxTeams

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The return of McSharing Box with the double value set and the menu updates, with the previous campaign's success, aims to achieve the equivalent result or better in terms of conversion. The challenge was to produce an enthusiastic marketing campaign that showed the innovative marketing asset production of the brand yet supported the brand refresh of McDonald's in the same year.

The campaign's creative direction was 'Teams McSharingBox'. First, we identify the target audience with a kind of McChicken they like, formed groups of the audience into two teams for two types of products served; the Chicstick and McWings, by encouraging them to participate by choosing a side and recruit their friends and circle via social media, mainly on Facebook and Instagram, to form teams of their people who like the same McChicken. We then matched up against each other via audience characters obtained in the first phase through analysis and social listening to make the campaign a personalised approach. Then, encourage both teams to challenge others, portray a surprise trying opposing team McChicken, in the end, joined into one McSharingBox team.

the Tease
The creative was used to support the campaign in the second phase where two teams teased each other, promoting that their choice of product is better than another, with playful scenarios at a McDonald's store depicted. Then challenged one another to try their McChicken, the first bite of the opposition's McChicken surprised them both.

Sharing Around
The sequence of portrayal character of both product sharing each other their McSharingBox choices with playful and amusing. The creative focus on sharing and highlight both products at both ends.

At the end of the campaign, we bonded them together that 'No matter which side you are on, McChicken can be share.' via creative assets of two portrayal characters represented the two groups of audience teasing each other that their choice is tastier than another, challenge another to try theirs. At the last phase of the campaign, we both characters accepted the challenge and surprised that another option they did not choose was also tasted good with call-to-action to share McSharingbBox's experience with others before the campaign finish.

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