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Palomar Health: Champions of Healthcare

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As the leading healthcare system in Southern California, on Sunday, Feb. 12,Palomar Health aired its first commercial during Super Bowl LVII, locally on Fox 5, right after Rihanna’s halftime performance. In line with its mission to integrate health in all areas of life, including the most celebrated sporting event of the year, Palomar Health wanted to communicate that they are leading the way in healthcare and are positioning themselves as the champions of healthcare in this region. The commercial starts with featuring the human struggle of what it takes to be a champion, using sports as a metaphor. Demonstrating most champions off the field go unsung, it leads into the line, “Because most champions are seldom celebrated,” while immediately cutting to various shots of healthcare professionals, as “Champions of healthcare.” The commercial was concepted and created by Palomar Health’s agency of record, InnoVision Marketing Group, a full-service San Diego based agency with national reach. InnoVision became their agency of record just over a year ago and has already catapulted Palomar Health as a leader in healthcare in the territory.

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