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NTI Gymnasiet: Nörduppropet (Nerd appeal)

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The brief:

How can we get a Swedish school with a focus on technichal education to stand out and take a position in a market where everyone communicates exactly the same?

The solution:

After having spoken with students, we learned they were proud to call themselves nerds. So we developed the concept Nerd 2.0 – an updated version of the nerd.

However, when creating the updated version we reffered to the Swedish Academy Dictionary. Unfortunately, it offered an obsolete, tired and dusty definition for the word and called it: “Narrow, ridiculous person. A wimp.”

So, the solution was to mobilise all nerds and make a giant proclamation: Nörduppropet (the Nerd Proclamation) to change the definition.

The results:
Signatures: + 6,000 (100% over target)
Definitions: + 1,700 (467% over target)
Shares: + 20, 000
Visitors: + 30, 000
Credits Other credits

Creative Planner, Ludwig Jonsson

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