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Guest Judge: Jack Christensen, Global CD, LePub, Milan

 GUEST JUDGE /BEST AD OF THE WEEK   WORLDWIDE    August 26, 2024 15:17 (Edited: August 27, 2024 01:17)
Winner: Palliative Care Queensland 'The Cassette'. I really enjoyed this approach to talking about a tricky subject. It can be tempting to overly tug at people's heart strings with this kind of thing, but the use of stop-motion animation to drive the humour helped strike the right balance and really made me feel better about death, so I guess the ad achieved what it set out to do.

Runner-up: SA Health 'Abuse shouldn't be part of the job'. Very simple idea built on a strong insight. Sometimes that's all you need to create something impactful.

Winner: Artist For Action 'Not So Lucky'. In the print section I've gone for two ads that react to current events. If done right, it's a very effective way of keeping your message relevant. In the Artist For Action ad, the interplay between the striking visual and headline create an immediate impact. The reference to Trump and the politics around gun control that he brings with him is unmistakable. That's what makes it so powerful.

Runner-up: Peech 'Hawk Tuah In A Tube'. Bill Bernbach said, "If your advertising goes unnoticed, everything else is academic." And this cheeky headline certainly didn't go unnoticed. The cultural reference will be familiar to Peech's target audience and it's nice to see a brand not taking itself too seriously. The only shame is they couldn't get this out when the meme was at its height.

Winner: High Performance Sport New Zealand 'Bravooooooo'. Not the strongest category this week, but I found this ad clever in how it communicated New Zealand's medal haul using just one word, when it could have ended up far more verbose. Which is what you want from an outdoor ad.

Runner-up: Bidyanondo Publication 'The Unwritten Stories'. This one isn't really a traditional outdoor idea, but it's a beautiful solution to a problem I wasn't aware of, nonetheless. The covers are nicely designed and anything that helps creative expression become more accessible is good in my book. Excuse the pun.
This week's guest judge is Jack Christensen, global creative director, LePub, Milan.

Jack started off professional life as a waiter, serving at many fancy and some not so fancy celebrity events. Not seeing a future in this line of work he decided to give advertising a go. Since graduating from the Watford Advertising Course run by the legendary Tony Cullingham, Jack has worked at top agencies in London, Berlin and most recently LePub in Milan.

During this time, he has led campaigns for several of the world's most famous brands including Heineken, Volkswagen, Ikea, Sony, Kia and Hyundai.

As well as winning over 100 international awards, some other professional highlights include: winning Germany's first Titanium Lion for The Uncensored Playlist. Launching a vulva into space for a feminist art group. Turning endangered pubs into museums for Heineken and serving Sting coffee at Elton John's wedding.

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